The X factor

Have you ever wonder what is a X factor? The reason it is called X factor is plain simple. Nobody knows what is that factor but yet everyone knows there is that special influencing factor.

It applies to everything that requires us to choose something or someone over another. I'm a pragmatic person and I made decision based on factors that I could determine before I consider any other "invisible" elements.

What I totally dislike in my current position in life is that I could not find a missing element in life at this juncture. Something is missing...

I believe I will embark on a costly journey to search for the X factor as I need to prioritise inwards before I could move on to the next phase of contributing outwards.

Quote for the day:
"You got to close your eyes and leap because it might be worth the fall."

The quote reminds me of my days in NZ prior to my decision to take up bungee. I took that step to accomplish something that I wanted to do once in a lifetime. Just like many other decisions in life, we sometimes need to be make a bold step to discover the magical feeling resulted from it.


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