
我独自一人在电脑前听着祝君好。 我替你感到开心我的兄弟。

It's Over

Things I think when you say "It’s Over".

“I immediately ask myself ‘How could things have been different? Should I have called more? Listened better?’ No one likes to fail.”

“My mind instantly went to all the dinners and presents I’d bought — wow, money really can’t buy you love.”

Oh well she beat me to it when she said it out. Now that its been over sometime. Standing tall I remould myself into someone better instead of the other way round. I always find people who take this as an opportunity or excuse to go psycho or get into bad habits dumb. Its fine to take your time to be sad and dwell over it for a short time. Getting too sad sometimes turn you into an emo creature. After all everyone prefers to see a smiley face rather than a blue face. Happy recovering for the sad people.

Dinner @ Saisaki

Well nothing to shout about on the spread. In fact I find the food just alright. I'm there to celebrate and I was surprised and overwhelmed with the company. Everyone was doing well. I better buck up and start moving forward. Now thinking back I think I've made a decision little too hastily. Well I prayed and I shall leave the ultimate decision to my dear Father.

-Enjoy your single days and make youself feel gorgeous everynow and then.-

Just Do It "Yourself"

NIKEiD Studio now allows you to customize a Nike Tee with your own choice of colours, graphics and text. Why not you get one from here too. Mind you the text might be costly. I really like the idea of it but there are only limited selection of prints that you can choose. Nevertheless its a good start and I believe it will be a success. Its currently available in Singapore not Malaysia.


World shortest fairy tale

Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl said, 'NO!' And the guy lived happily ever after and rode sports car and big bikes,went fishing, hunting and played golf a lot. Drank beer and scotch and had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted.

A terrifying dream

I haven't had a nightmare for quite sometime. I wasn't prepared for that kind of sudden shocked last night which resulted me waking up in the middle of the night. I went to bed early hoping to have a good rest to face my long week ahead. Its been nice to be single living the free life without compromising. However there are down times too when you needed someone to be there for you and they seem to be miles away. I curled up in blanket hoping to see them in my dreams, the nightmare reminds me that I've forgot to say my prayers before I shut my eyes.

-Love is not fundamentally a sweet feeling-

Happy birthday

Have a blessed birthday LOW CHONG EE.

Love can wait

I believe good things comes naturally, Love comes naturally too. The more you chase it the further it gets. Sometimes its better to just sit and be good, the candy will come to you as a reward. Love is you.

''There are three things not worth running for - a bus, a woman or a new economic panacea. If you wait a bit, another one will come along.'' - Derick Heathcoat-Amory during the 1960 Budget.

My first LOMO experience

This was taken with a LOMO fisheye.
Although I look very retarded,
Its still my 1st LOMO experience. Say Cheese.

700th post

I was hesitating whether should I slowly phase out from blogging. Recently due to the heavy workload I wasn't given much opportunity to blog at work except during lunch. So I spent last night playing basketball for awhile and when the rain comes we fled. I had my dinner over at Pelita SS2 again. I notice sometimes spending time in the car talking to your friends can be really good because not only you don't waste your travelling time but you get to know one another better.

My schedule for this week is fully occupied 2 days for my Lord and the rest my friends. I'm left with tonight and I shall take this night to rest and recover. A healthy body keeps me going further. Another thing that happened during the weekend was my phone got barred probably due to heavy texting previously. I can't wait to go on my retreat in April. I'll post the teaser soon. Happy blue-ing.

-I enjoy seeing words you sent in any form of text. I miss you-

Sunday Morning

A brief recall of what I did last night. Woke up around 11am for my hair cut and felt like a zombie as I slept late the previous night. After basketball on Friday night, I've got a random call from Huatster for a drink. Got home way past midnight. So the sleep deficit started since Friday night. Spend my Sat getting some stuffs done because its CEE's birthday.

How did you spend your earth hour? Did you follow the call to turn off everything for that one hour? I spent mine waiting for a friend. We head to Genting for a drink. Got home in the morning and now I'm like falling apart. I just want to spend my Sunday watching F1, rest and get my card done by today. Happy resting!

Fixing a broken heart

Just like putting jigsaw puzzle into place, I can fix your broken heart provided you give me all the pieces. May you take the least time to heal in this season.

A round of drinks

So what happen last night was I went out with my highschool mates for a round of drinks in Happy Cafe. It does makes all of us happy when we had our Tuborg with a promotion package. Most of us had a pretty good career and I'm happy to have them in different industry. I haven't been resting well lately as often my body sleeps but the mind is still working. I had plans for my future, I think of my loved ones also my career path in the banking scene. Hopefully someday my side investment will surpass my salary then I could go full time as an investor.

I'm missing my brothers, they are scattered so far away one in Penang and one in Singapore. Congrats to SnoopDoug for hitting first class again. On the other hand I too miss a friend, a very close friend of mine over in Adelaide. Sometimes we wonder why are we so close to each other but we never once said it out that we had feelings for each other. We became best friends, one of the reason is probably because there is always a "what if". I shall say it wasn't the right time back then, everything shall come naturally.

As for now I shall keep up with my life and not slow down for a single bit. I've missed out too much for the past couple of years, its going to take some time to at least catch up with those days that were gone. Thankfully my age and health still permits me to do what I like to do.

Adult Content

How do you explain to your child that private parts are private? I believe most readers should be well above 18 and its alright with the adult content. I remember when I was young back then in primary school, guys attack guys on the private part whenever they meet each other. Instead of waving or shaking hands they grab each other in the balls. I'm not sure if the ladies do anything with their private parts because when I grew older and went to college, I went clubbing and saw girls grabbing each other's boobies. I was thinking hey and they(ladies) think that we aren't mature, but we were done playing that kinda thing when we were 12. They only started grabbing in college?

Now if you are a parent or plan to be one someday, how do you teach your kids that these are actually private parts. Its suppose to be the highest priority do not enter zone. You might think I'm too conservative but seriously nowadays things are really messy if you observe kids nowadays. Kids in uniform filming themselves having sex is just a little too much. You don't want to see a familiar face in the vid one day do you? I know we are curious but sometimes you just have to control and keep those horns. I know people who are really "open" which also means that they enjoy their private parts to go public. Well that is just their problem and hopefully one day they realised it before it becomes a catastrophe and too late for turning back. Its not a bad idea to explore those no entry zone when you are happilly settled down but when you are not please think twice. Happy exploring!


Despite drowning in work, I took out some precious time to visit my blog and make sure its up to date. I started my day last night at 5am, officially started working at 6am. Due to the overwhelming deals that my boss had got in his recent visit to Singapore. Poor staffs like us got alot of work all of a sudden. It seems bad but when I think about the big picture, maybe and just maybe this will make us get a fat bonus end of this financial year.

I was on duty last night, cell meeting is off for this two weeks. I saw alot of people from my church whom I've never met. Some came with heart prepared for the journey and some came for the sake of coming. SoC also known as Stations of the Cross is a pre-easter event. Hopefully through this event people could realise that there is more than just easter bunny and chocolates during easter.

Making things sweet

Melbourne, will it be the place that you and me meet again?

-When you don't know what to say, perhaps its best to pray.-

Bank of East Asia

This is where I work. Largest independent bank in Hong Kong, and 3rd largest bank in Hong Kong. Now what's with my work place, there is an opening in my bank now. If you are interested do put some effort in finding the local office contact.

Mama I Love You

Unfortunately I won't be able to celebrate with you today as you are traveling in China. Have a great journey and enjoy every moment of it. Love you lots mum. When you are away everyone is doing just fine, no one does the laundry and no one cooks except instant noodles, so the kitchen is still very clean.

We miss home cook food, Mum!

Sincere apologies

As I'm busy lately, I might skip blogging but still will try to stretch my time out to do what I like most which is this space of mine. At the mean time if you are following and wonder why there isn't updates on weekdays, I'm really sorry as I'm taking up more responsibility now. Who knows after this I get a pay rise and I can buy you loyal followers dinner. So as for now stay tuned.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry .....

Giving the best

A boy and a girl were in school. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some stickers with her.

The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her stickers. The girl agreed. The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her stickers as she had promised.

That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn’t sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some stickers from him the way he had hidden his best marble.

Moral of the story:
If you don’t give your hundred percent in a relationship, you’ll always have doubts if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.

Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully.


This is my primary school mate. We haven't been out for a very long time. Just when Kelsen decided to get her out, all three of us had a great time as we share the same passion in music and photography. I took a photo of her during the outing.

Its certainly encouraging after I saw this on my friend's page. Like I've always said its the operator and not the camera.

If you too have the same interest why not you drop me a PM and mayb we can get to know each other more.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

There is always a time and a reason for us to get drunk, they made this day specially for people who indulge in drinking. Happy St. Patrick's people, enjoy your Guinness.


Learn A Word A Day

Remember those days in high-school where they have this programme for us to learn a new word a day. I reckon we should continue it because its a good habit. I've learn mine today, how about you?

I have no opportunity for 40 winks today.

Busy Bee

I was busy all day that I had a hard time to stretch out that few minutes to update and I also didn't want to cheat by posting up my drafts yet. I'm saving it for the rainy days when I run out of inspiration.



-People who fall in love easily can also fall out of love easily-

-传闻浪漫太快 恋都走得快-

How to Love

For guys:
Love your girl as if she is only 16. Never ever break her heart, set a few rules and take time out for her when she needs it. Teach her to be honest and never ever lie to her.

For girls:
Love your guy like he is the only B. Let him play with his toys and go out with his playmates, don't worry because at the end of the day he will come home to you. Teach him to be honest.

& for the loveless:
Magz and DVD marathon, DOTA, Facebook, Twitter, Left4Dead, Blogger, sleep all day long and wake up only for meals, Camwhore because no one takes picture of you other than yourself.


还记得当年时常跟家人闹翻脸,可能是还不成熟所以常常坚持自己的理念。记得我爹驾车在我到老远的地方玩那时在那个海边我都忘了。 路上老爸望着窗外说你看这里是个很美的海边等一下停车让你们下去玩个痛快。我望出去只看见肮脏的垃圾堆和一个不这么样的乡村。 就觉得老爸怎么那么假想骗我们小孩子。所以就脸黑黑的不理不睬地对待爸爸。 我们便这样持续到吃完午饭往回家路程,爸在次提醒我们会到海边玩,听了我都觉得烦。但还是要肯定自己是对的便再一次往窗外看,我傻了。。。我看见一个白沙,蓝云超漂亮的海滩。 我这是才发现我当时往车窗的另一个方向看,看见了那肮脏的垃圾堆和一个不这么样的乡村,但如果当时我在我爹的位子往窗外看就会看见那美丽的景色。我感到很痛心,且很对不起的跟爸爸说了真得很美,谢谢你带我们来这里。经过这一次我常常站在别人的方向去想为什么别人会有不同的想法或意见。 也许你们也应该珍惜和试着往别人的窗外看看。


I say ; U say

There are times where we mistakenly think that we had the same frequency, the truth is we ain't. We are totally different in every way, I prefer not to hear lies anymore. Everyone deserve a second chance but not infinite chances. I just have to admit that I've made a silly choice in the past and I also know that from pain I learn a very expensive lesson. Out of the blue, a hidden message saying I'm the best!


Have you ever wondered what is behind that smile of mine?
-Next week I'll find time to post a teaser for my upcoming trip in April. It'll be a cheap outing but with great company.-

Those days

I remember those days when I was young my home phone number use to be 7 digit. So I'll share with you what I always encounter when I was young. I was probably in primary school. So pizza hut has their ads going on TV daily promoting their delivery number which is 755 2525 and so happen and unfortunate that my house phone number is 7XX 2525. So I would always receive misc calls asking for pizza and sometimes they can be annoying when it comes to meal time. One day I decided to prank those callers who don't bother to listen and kept calling my house.

caller: Hello, PIZZA HUT!
me: Hello, wrong number!

Hang up and moments later....

caller: Hello, PIZZA HUT!
me: Hello, wrong number!
caller: Pizza Hut, I wanna order ...
me: Hello, sorry but wrong number.
caller: No, correct number what...
me: Alright, sorry sir, how can I help you.
caller: I want Hawaiian pizza and BBQ chicken.
me: Sir, Large or Regular?
caller: Large.
me: Would you like to have garlic bread, chicken wings and pepsi?
caller: Yea 2 garlic bread and 2 pepsi.
me: Alright Sir total cost would be RM48.80 and we'll be there in half an hour.
caller: You need my address?
me: Sir, you ordered before? If yes don't need. Thank you.

Quickly hung up and enjoy my time, half and hour later...

caller: Hello, Pizza Hut!! My order not here yet.
me: Sir, be patient.
caller: Waited so long...
me: Sir, told you wrong number and you still keep calling.
caller: Correct number, I check already it is 2525 right?
me:..... Hang up.

Live like an artist

I like the life of an artist. They do what they want, what they enjoy doing and they never bothered how people look at them. Sometimes you just love the way they enjoy their lives without worrying so much about things around them. However back in reality I could never do it or maybe I can only partially live like them. Mainly because I was born in a chinese family, family and friends are my main concern but I'm happy that my parents and friends were supportive in encouraging me for all my choices in life. Its hard for us to go all free like an artist but at least we could live like one within the boundaries. Enjoy life and treat yourself like a masterpiece. Sometimes you don't have to rush to find the matching rib God took away from men, if the rib is meant to be yours, it'll come your way. Start painting your life beautifully.

Shattered heart

Well, I guess I can still smile without you.

Movie in the pipeline

初恋红豆冰 - Ais Kacang Puppy Love

Genre: Drama / Romance
General Release Date: 15 or 16 Apr 2010
Duration: 105 minutes
Starring: Gary Cao, Ah Niu, Lee Xin Jie, Penny Tai, Victor Wong, Fish Leong, YiJet

"Ice Kacang Puppy Love" is based on Taiwan-based Malaysian Ah Niu growing up in Penang. In this directorial debut, he also stars as the boy who is a little shy. It's love at first sight when a girl moves to his forsaken Penang village and he grows up with her through primary and secondary school. However, she's a bit of a tomboy who can fight off bullies while he's so timid that he can't even make coffee at his father's shop.

"Michael Wong Guang Liang will have a cameo role in the film."


I've heard that McD is now giving away free McMuffin vouchers when you dine in at McD. So please be alert I know there are alot of McD breakfast fan out there just like me. If you have extra and you can't finish it please send them to my house, I'll be glad to use it up for you. Who ain't loving it?

The Ideal Bachelor's Pad

Andy Warhol's Mickey

So I've been around checking out some places for investment and also a place for me to stay. Ideally I would like to have an apartment prefer to be loft style or the so called SOHO style. With double volume height. With the cash I had I'm not sure if I want to take up that commitment yet. I enjoy travelling so much that I've got future plans and places to visit. A few places that I want to check out before I'm too old. Berlin, New York, Vegas, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Paris, London... These are mainly cities because I wanted to carry a LOMO and soon my PEN to travel these places. It will definitely replace the memories that was wiped off from my HDD weeks ago. So as for now, bachelor's pad will have to wait. I've got all the interior design in my head. I'll put Andy Warhol's pop art on my wall for sure. He is the best pop art artiste.

My Super Emo Friends

Just a filler post because I find this cartoon well drawn.




One place to another

A call came in and moments later I was on my way to attend my friend's graduation ceremony over at Wisma MCA. Congrats to Chian for finally completing that miserable life in UTAR. Unfortunately we couldn't see him as movie is at 4:15pm which is moments after we reached Wisma MCA hoping to shake his hands and get a few photos taken but well me and CCS still manage to get our photos taken except we plan to later photoshop in to the basketball family portrait. We just manage to reach in time to catch Matt Damon's Green Zone. Its an average show, I prefer Matt in Bourne series. Later on in the night, I went out with my childhood buddy, he now took over his dad's textile business. I'm happy to see him coping well.

This morning I saw a friend's blog, easily I could guess what's in her mind because I too went through that times when you miss someone so much and all you can do is to put them into words in your own space online hoping no one would discover it. I'm sure time will heal and one day her knight in shining armor will come.

Sing with me

See the pyramids around the Nile
Watch the sun rise
From the tropic isle
Just remember darling
All the while
You belong to me
See the market place
In old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember
When a dream appears
You belong to me

And I'll be so alone without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean
In a silver plane
See the jungle
When it's wet with rain
Just remember till
You're home again
You belong to me

Oh I'll be so alone without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean
In a silver plane
See the jungle
When it's wet with rain
Just remember till
You're home again
You belong to me

I just thought I should always share the songs I like to influence people around me to like the music that I listen to. Let us all sing together with the lyrics. You belong to me...

the Mock run

I was spending my day in church from morning till night helping out with the upcoming Easter event. Although it was a day of hard work its all worthwhile. I nailed, carried things up and down the floors, paint and all the misc work. When the mock run started to take place, in my personal opinion, some of the flow couldn't connect. However its still the actual meaning of the event that is the key. There is still much room to improve before the actual event.

Later that night was fun filled pack after my late dinner, Rene's mum can cook the best Mee Siam, I feel like learning how to cook from the mum. I need that recipe badly. Thanks for the kind hosting. Texas Hold'em is a must when we have people gathering in one round table. Jason is both the biggest loser and biggest winner at the end after declaring bankrupt numerous times and getting all the charity chips from us.

-Signing off-

Sun + Sea

Coming up I shall make a huge sacrifice to take my precious leave off to Penang to find my couch provider. I'll be crashing by for the weekend, hopefully with those invited guess we could have great time at the beach.


Tonight will be basket ball as usual, I've invited a friend to join us in the court and hopefully he can make it. He is my ex's cousin, so I hope there will be no conversation regarding my ex in the court.


Welcome home Meg, although this trip back might not be a very decent trip, I hope you will be strong. I'll pray for you and your family. Itenary has been send to you and we'll plan more when you decided to come. If not I can always head to Melbourne after you are settled.


Work load was a little heavy today and schedule for this weekend is full except Sunday night. Haven't done handy work for ages and this Saturday I'll be helping with a project in church that requires MAN power.

Inner beauty

Often we neglect the person that matters most to us and fell for all the outer beauty of a person, I can't deny the fact that outer beauty is the first thing anyone could encounter when meeting one another. The appearance often leads to things such as love at first sight. These are all a confused feeling because what matters is the inner beauty. Survey shows that 80% of married people felt that their partners aren't the person they really love, deep inside they always think of someone else. Well I know its silly but its quite true also because not everyone end up loving who they want. Mostly girls will pick and choose candidates that comes after them and sometimes they picked wrongly and end up spending the rest of their life with them. Guys on the other hand would have no choice sometimes, after being rejected by their first choice they would approach another but deep inside the person he loved most would probably be his first choice. The fortunate part is despite the survey results we could still love our partners eventhough they might not be who we had in mind but love grows. Its all up to each individual to cherish and make it fruitful. Discovering with your partners will help both to understand each other more and as time passes we'll forget the other person deep down in our mind. Happy discovering the inner beauty and not let the appearance influence your decision.

Part of me

No doubt this is the place where my life starts to be happening. Gaining all the exposure and experiencing the western culture. A significant part of me was moulded here. I remember travelling here everynow and then when I was young. I wish I could someday drop by again to visit the sails and the sheeps. Today I'm proud to tell you this when I saw what came out on the papers:-

The least corrupt nation in the world is New Zealand, according to Transparency International. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2009 shows that Denmark is the second least corrupt country while Singapore and Sweden come out equal third. The index ranks countries by their perceived levels of corruption, which is determined by expert assessments and surveys.


This month's phone bill came up to RM120, most probably its due to the change of package. It is quite a pain to pay that amount. I've set my credit limit to cut off at RM150.

-A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.-

While some of you might be feeling all down just remember that at some place there is always a person who is willing to lend you an ear to listen, lend you a shoulder to cry and lastly lend you their arms to hug you. Its not the end of the world, so don't waste your tears.


三月十一日 晴


Feeling artsy

Today feeling I'm feeling all great and I've decided to start making a special birthday card to make one lucky person happy. May inspiration and creativity filled me up. I really wanna make something impressive.


I'm finally keeping up with the tweeting friends. Tweet Tweet.

Old books

I've female friends who told me their parents treat their brothers way better compare to them well I've found explanation to your question.

See whether you like it or not, they were brainwashed this way. Sexist was practiced since ages ago. I specially like the "Boys can eat","Girls can cook" part.


I'm not inspired to write today, because I had mixed feeling, on one hand feeling happy for being able to talk to someone special and on the other hand with work piled up till I totally miss my normal blogging schedule. I shall just post up some drafts I wrote some time ago.
You came all of a sudden and I didn't where to start catching up.

My true value

A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”

Hands started going up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up.

He then asked, “Who still wants it?”

Still the hands were up in the air.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.

He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. “Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.

We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special – Don’t ever forget it!


It all started with affection then it turns sour and became aversion. Affection is such a complicated thing that most of us would categorized it as an unknown. Affection is a feeling of liking. Most of us would at one time or another feel affectionate towards someone special to us. However there are also people who would feel affectionate towards a great number of people, this is due to the compulsive feeling of wanting to be loved. Its not a very good social situation as it often leaves a trail of sadness behind those whom didn't know that the person is just doing what they usually do. While being affectionate we should also know how to self preserve. In this season, at the lowest valley in my cycle of life, I'll easily misinterpret a simple kind act, but knowing this fact I often take a step back to see clearly and not get mesmerize. The days of me mesmerizing has long gone. Now I should "Always be wise and not otherwise".

If we all wrote personal messages like Spanish people do with all the hugs and kisses we'd be happier people. Mesmerize by you the one and only.

A pilot's life

I was out last night with my filthy rich pilot friend. Its great to get back in touch with him after leaving high school. We shared the same passion for investments hence it explains the outing last night. We discuss a little on our investment style and of course he has bigger capital to start with. The part that causes my dizziness this morning is because we had beer and chit-chat till 2am. However as a model employee I still come to work early and prepare myself for work. Manage to discover a lot of inside stories of a pilot's life. The party, sex and booze is a norm not forgetting they get paid very well. So being a pilot is very fun indeed, I'm glad to be able to hear and have an insight of a pilot's life. Are you living similar kind of lifestyle too?

Alexis @ Ampang

Saturday night live over at Alexis, with performance by Isaac Entry. I'm not much of a club goer and highly appreciate a jazz pub way more than a noisy packed club.


Even with that sour face, you are still you that melts my heart. I will be your everything just listen to me say this as an assurance. I love you anyway.

Out of the blue, I know its hard to understand the obvious statement.

Dine @ Athenaeum

*A set of post cards from Mount Fuji, Tokyo tower and streets of Kyoto.

Its the long awaited dinner specially dedicated to close buds of CY. We crashed into his typical Otaku's room to check out all his toys and I manage to harass a few of them. While CY's mum do the preparation we started of with Chivas and Eugene gave us the honour to unwrapped the souvenir he bought for us from Japan. Each of us choose a few. We had our steamboat at the balcony, seafood tofu, bacon, beef, chicken, sausages, fishballs, stuffed fishballs, peeled prawns and squid. Food was fantastic. Too bad for those who can't make it. After dinner we had some drinking and golf putting. Thank you CY & family for hosting us and Eugene for the postcards.


Had a silly outing last night as I once again encountered free riders. It is absurd that everytime I hang out with this specific circle of friends when it comes to paying they happen to forget about the conversation previously about how well are they paid. All of sudden everyone's wallet felt like a ten ton truck, as usual I hate to see those kinda awkward situation where the waitress has to wait for someone to pay and hence I'll do the paying. Well free riders will always be free riders not once, twice or thrice but everytime. Lesson learned choose your circle of friends wisely. The ironic part, they think you are calculative when you do not pay.

How to spot a free rider:
-Their wallet is stucked in the pocket.
-They pretend/assume that you are treating after you settled the bill.
-When they go dutch they pay not a single cent more and often less.
-They pay you price listed in the menu. *assuming they stay in a tax free country


Weekend is dedicated for loved ones and myself to relax. I'm living high on my plans, everything is just great as it is now. Top it up with more breakthrough in my career will be awesome. I'm enjoying my weekend so much that I'm blasting music on full volume in this warm afternoon, dancing to the music, its fun to dance the jive once in a blue moon. Happy Dancing!


neighbour 1: Hi you just move here?
neighbour 2: Ya I just move here, this place is quite nice.
neighbour 1: What is your occupation?
neighbour 2: I am professor at university. I teach deduction.
neighbour 1: Deduction? Whats that?
neighbour 2: Ok like this, I'll give you an example. I saw you've got a dog house, so I can say that you keep a dog as pet.
neighbour 1: Ya its true.
neighbour 2: That fact shows that you have a family.
neighbour 1: Ya that is true.
neighbour 2: So the conclusion is you got a wife.
neighbour 1: Wow. All true.
neighbout 2: Its all call deduction.

that evening....

neighbour 1: I just chit chat-ed with the new neighbour
neighbour 3: Oh, what's his job?
neighbour 1: He is a professor who teaches deduction.
neighbour 3: Deduction? What's that?
neighbour 1: Ok i'll give you an example. You keep a dog as pet?
neighbour 3: No!
neighbour 1: Aiseyman...

Everybody is a winner

Well we are all good at one thing or another plus the fact that everyone is unique. Nobody is a real loser unless you insist to have that sort of mindset. We tend to look at people and judge everyone according to our own thoughts and feeling. I must say take a break to think about what people tells you, maybe it might make sense if you fit in to his/her shoes for a moment. Don't get angry so easily or sensitive about what people say. What people sees in you is their choice but what really matters is yourself moulding your own image. Just have a fake to see if you really enjoy you being someone else. Being naturally yourself is best and also the most comfortable I say. Agree? When I hate you, I'm faking it...

Morning Sunshine

Feeling lazy on a Friday morning. Manage to teach my mum how to operate a digital camera. I just enjoy everything in a slower pace once in a while. It gives you time to think and reflect on things you did and thing you will do in the future. Looking forward for a small gathering to catch up with my ex-housemates less "ex-gf". Thanks in advance to CY for hosting.


earnest; meaning what one says or does; truthful; meant truly or earnestly, the quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical

Everyone can fly

Dirt cheap flights are available now. Why not you plan something and start clicking your mouse before the seats run out. I was hoping to get a longer weekend off to somewhere but still waiting for my travel buddy to get back to me. Phuket,Krabi and Bali would be good. I need some sunshine and some sea breeze to make me feel that its worth my hardwork here in the bank.

Photography 4C

The 4C of photography:

There are 4 basic C you need to get for good photos for most genres of photography:

1*Creative Composition, 天天想你,天天問自己,到什麼時候才能告訴你.

There's a 5th C but only applicable dealing with people: Communication. Anyone interested to explore a little more or if you like to be in pictures like a natural poser you could drop me a message then maybe we could organize some trips later on over the weekends to have some ameteur photoshoot session. Whether you have a DSLR or just DC you are welcome. Its not the camera, its the operator that matters. Replacing memories with pictures is my aim.


Everything I'm doing now needs to be rescheduled and I need to reorganize my priorities. Last night I had my meeting till late due to uncertainties which drag the meeting pass midnight, as part of the anchoring team this event is huge, catered for the entire church. When too many people chip in too many ideas and all ideas were taken into account, no final decision were made. Well sometimes we just need to look at the big picture and neglect the less important ones. Set the priority and things would move faster this way. Previously, weeks ahead I was told why am I acting like this and not talking to my ex-gf. I simply answered I'll start talking when we can sincerely sit down and talk. Frankly speaking there hasn't been any proper talking since years back. Its never too late to realise and it is definitely better off this way rather than getting into all the trouble being bark by a mad hound. The moral of the story reshuffle priorities and not reshuffle partners one after another. Happy prioritizing! Who doesn't know that I love her more than anything..


Thanks to Jason, I've got a little souvenir from Russia. Its their local handmade Russian dolls a.k.a. Matryoshka. Aren't they cute?

GSix @ Gardens

Me & BKT
Finally after all the planning we went to GSix with initial plan of leaving at 12 because cinderella needs to work the next day! Eventually we left at 2a.m. ^^




这女孩想告诉前男友“阿新”对不起。希望他会原谅我一切的过错。我已经改过自新了,当时的贪玩是一时糊涂。。。 我会永远爱你!
宣 上

对不起你的电邮太长了,所以我只能将它缩短但重点都还在吧!不知是否有影响力可是至少为你把表白放上来,多些去以行动证明自己吧。我本身的看法是这样表白虽然有些特别但不实际,你的他也未必会来到这儿。你的勇气值得参考,希望你这一次真的诚恳的改过,我也不希望你再一次伤害无辜。 知错能改是好的,你好好加油,如果结果不是你想像的也只能怪自己咯,每个人都会犯错嘛。现在的女生都很牛,怎么变女追男了。

Close to the edge

I'm glad to be back but to describe those few days without my Mac by my side when I'm in bed, I felt so miserable, and seconds felt like hours. My wallpapers are gone, pictures,videos,work and not to mention my drafts. I just need a week or two to settle all my things and I'll resume the regular habit of blogging. Happy reading.