D Day

A whole new Dong was born after the crazy Saturday night, with mama Dong outside watching us bunch of retards influencing his nice little boy to become the new nigga Dong. So who is Dong?

This is Dong, I had him on my facebook. He is handsome, single, sings, bakes and can afford Hugo Boss Polo-T.

So based on myth and rumours, the break up month is on April to July. I really had no idea but apparently its quite true. So D'Dong is one of em'. Well its not such a bad thing because Dong have us uber cool friends to support him. The story might be sad but I can proudly tell Dong that I went through a more disastrous path. So this is just piece of cake.

Dong, the old has gone and you are now the new Dong. Career first and girls will come later. Honestly speaking, didn't you enjoyed the night with us?

P.S.: I like your LV and AX belt.


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