Dating Lord

Tonight is my usual date night with the Lord almighty. My cell groupie are like family members and we respect each others privacy. We don't go to the extent to dig out things people feel uncomfortable mentioning but we are always there for one another. I personally don't like the idea of cell being a marketing tool or even a place for social networking. Alot of young people especially those not so young but still acts young type loves to make full use of it. One moment they were praying with their heads bow down and eyes closed the next moment a guy and girl went missing with the girl shouting OMG on the bed. Churches are too quickly trying to save souls but forgeting the basics that first you must be good. One cancer cell can spread and kill the entire human so what do you think when you have one bad "Christian" in the house. All that being said we shall just pray that fellow brothers and sisters would not only follow their spiritual leader blindly but with your great wisdom to differentiate good and bad. With the bad always more tempting, easy, fun and etc. Let the good be rewarded heavily too. All the lords people shall say Amen.


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