
I'm surprised when I dragged myself out for a drink last night to meet up with some mates of mine. We all grew apart following different views and dreams. Some had their own property already albeit not by own achievement however thats not the case. As an analyst I'm sensitive to changes and details. I personally do not like to be a benchmark or judge on someone's capability. However I do notice that from simple conversation that strikes up they weren't very intellectual. They might be good academically or some still in the midst of graduating but they neglected the fact that reading might give you knowledge and understanding it is a total different thing. One simple eg: From the conversation I know that my friend's general knowledge come from largely local sources such as papers or even local news portal. Thier views were set or tune in parallel to whatever they see without looking beyond it. Its just like people who reads the bible and treat it as a story book because they couldn't dig out what the intrinsic value and the parables used. Hence most of them falls into the trap of Gov which controls the media. The scene might be disappointing seeing young adults with shallow thoughts but it wouldn't be a concern for me because sometimes things are out of reach, everyone has their rights to believe in whatever they do as long as they don't get condemned or break the rules. This will always be the situation here in Malaysia because people brought up here without seeing the world will not be able to imagine how good things can be. They would adjust themselves to fit in the situation and adapt to form a comfort zone. Well I guess its acceptable with the true fact that eventually its not what you know but who you know.


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