Money Matters

Generations which just graduated and in the midst of climbing up the corporate ladder often find themselves in a situation where money is hard to earn or save. I'm not surprised with the situation unless you are born with a golden spoon in Malaysia. I myself am caught in such situation which explains why I am eager to explore opportunities in any form of business ideally something which I'm more familiar with. I must say I do not have much cash reserve in liquid form now as most of it were invested in various businesses. I've recently look into portfolio of agriculture plus previously those money in commodity trading (*physical and not paper trade). Looking at my paycheque would like to take a look at properties which could probably take up a large chunk of the salary and lock dead as a fixed asset. Why always invest your additional cash? We always have the wrong thought that cash is king but I must correct that if you are a value investor, cash is never a kind infact cash generates the least return. Cash is king can only be true when we are entering a recession or a market depression whereby you can shop for shares and invest at a reasonably good discount. If you have a stash of cash lock down in your bank account trust me you are the biggest loser. Put it in any alternative investment vehicle and I am sure you gain a better return. Let the money grow at a faster rate if not you might have to end up spending more years working and paying off the debts.

Note: Above are just personal opinion as a banker. Some people might be more conservative with hard earn money after all the cash owner is the final decision maker. It is just my preference to enlarge my investment portfolio. I prefer taking only acceptable risk for an above average return. My investment directions are in line with value investor guru such as the great Warren Buffet & Tan Teng Boo. I believe they have outperformed most investors at the same time worry less on dodgy investments for capital gain. Happy stretching your savings, money is not everything but its always good to have them in the pocket as security.


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