
I've got a feeling my neighbour is going to get their house break into soon. Since it is my direct neighbour my house is at risk too. I'm just not too comfortable leaving my house for this CNY. I'll tell you why i think my neighbours were marked, last night me and my dad was outside our garden chilling over a cold beer, suddenly two indonesions jumped out from our neighbours house. They weren't home and soon after these two men with full thieve attire jump out a van came and picked them up. Just how bad is the crime rate here in KL. Me and my dad thought we could only see this in the movies. DAMN!

I'm not sure if any of heard there is this no panties thingy going on, its suppose to be a kinky valantine's day thing to spice up their relationship. Recently due to news spreading like wildfire it caugh the attention of the press.因為我堅強到利用自己的痛心轉換成愛心,抵我對你操心。


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