Too short for a weekend

I've had so much fun this weekend from Friday night onwards. Although there are some silly news that I've heard but I couldn't be bothered anymore. I've spent my Saturday online, reading and playing my guitar the whole day until the sun goes down and we celebrated Arthur's birthday at a seafood restaurant. Food was ok but maybe its the company it tasted pretty well. Then we head for some beer before I excuse myself earlier so that I could go catch a movie. Manage to only reach home at 3 a.m. and I have to wake up early for church as I've sign up for alpha class. Sunday was good because I had a long nap to catch up with the sleep deficit. Then it was yumcha session at two location. Loong is back in KL so we had some time catching up and updating ourselves with all the scandals in town. If only weekends were abit longer we could all pack our bags on Friday and head somewhere for a short retreat.


terrenie said...

Hor didn't ask me go...go v who...keke

Gabriel said...

^^ very funny.

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