Adult manner

I understand being an adult is not easy, financially plus all the responsibility you bear. While these are not easy, it is worth every single second spent because you get to learn true real life lesson. For eg: Recently I was involve in a RM1 billion per annum contract deal. I noticed when it comes to profit and when you start talking about money the actual figures. Everyone shows their true colours, sly as they can be trying to eat up each others share of profit. From my observation Singaporean are one of the worst when it comes to money. Sometimes it is good to know them earlier rather than later. It is hard to build a relationship with them especially when you know they aren't genuine and sincere, like many relationships. I'm more of an strategist rather than an analyst, I like to look at things in a big picture. It not only helps me in most of the business plans I have but even building genuine relationships. Just like what a friend recently said that she didn't expect me to take it easy with all the short fall in relationships. I told her that there isn't much point of dweling over people who aren't concern about you. If the other person really matters then the person would deserve all my attention. I do wish things weren't like know but unfortunately things did happen. Hence lead to current situation. I may be a model employee at work and a fun partner but I do not like to be a sucker. Lesson from the past are great deterrent for future use. Happy growing up.


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