
I writing this as I'm busy planning out something for my career from businesses to a change in career path. Not to say I'm leaving the banking industry but I'm looking at opportunities at other financial institution namely aggresive investment banks or capital management companies. I'm sure most people around my age +/- 3 years would be experiencing the crisis of being squeeze because its only the begining of our entire career life. I'm not influencing readers here to be greedy or to be "Kiasu" but your career is utmost important as I believe most of us want to achieve certain goals and live a comfy life, having said that different people would have different definition for a comfy life. Some needs a mansion and a water themepark to call it comfy while some like Mr. Warren Buffet still stays in an old house despite being a billionaire. Life is about learning and by learning we move one step ahead some brilliant ones might be able to skip and climb the corporate ladder quicker. So now at a crossroad I'm pretty stressed up but at the same time happy about the hectic life because I have less time to waste and sometimes sink into the EMO state (hardly happen nowadays). Prayers at this time would be helpful and certainly I encourage people to chase after their dreams but in a good manner and not just go for the aim using all kinds of method. When you have so many choices please do pick a wise choice because achieving your goals at the expense of other people can be very unethical. Well, eventually no one cares as this world is so deeply drowned with reality facts that no one can deny that "Money" is such an important instrument in life. I'm lazy to save this post in the draft, hence I'll post it up and I know there is no opening or an end to this post. I suck at writing. Seriously I'm not too interested in the money as reward of my work but I enjoy working on things I like at the same time money comes handy but not primarily my satisfaction factor. Ultimately a life with enough to live comfortably and maybe make my "fatty" happy by showering her with what she want will be good enough.

Everything we would ever need to become rich and powerful and sophisticated is within our reach. The major reason that so few take advantage of all that we have is simply, neglect.


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