Smiley face spotted

I caught my self smiling after so long infront of the mirror for some simple reasons. I've always admire those who are willing to travel all the way for hours just to see their sweetheart at somewhere far far away. It was not long ago that someone actually wanted to meet up with me from far far away which lifted me up so high from the ground. God does listen to my prayers especially when I was devastated. It sounded like a fairytale that I myself couldn't believe that its going to happen and looking forward to it. Knowing the fact that someone out there is willing to come all the way to see you and just spend some time with you itself is more than good enough to keep you smilling for the entire year. However I believe we jump into a hasty decision that we forget that during the period before the arrival of the actual date, a series of unforeseen drama came up and the plan might be off. I've got another week before I need to make up my mind whether to apply for the leaves. It is an expensive lesson but although it wasn't the best ending no doubt the start was the best ever as it gives me hope (GMH)*. I'm just so excited talking about it and actually experiencing a hard fall. Well to be an optimist for once I shall just be happy about the memorable part as for the yet to be decided part I'm leaving it to God's will. Work comes first then relationship comes later. I always say this but when I'm in a relationship haha "she" will always be the priority. My life is extremely dramatic that I think TVB should buy my life stories and get some hot cast to produce a series.

*GMH=Gives me hope is like FML but for the optimist.


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