The birth of my blog

I shall take you people all the way back to a year ago for a brief introduction of the birth of this BLOG of mine. It was then I had dengue fever and also the end of my 3 years relationship. So the therapy that I seek was to blog about it and it was all private well at least for the first couple of months. So does writing down notes and memories help in the healing process? Sure it does provided you don't dwell in the past. After all men should always respect a lady and it was her choice to kicked me out of the picture.

Now one year later, I've constantly blog and it has become a habit. I think I've totally missed out on a celebration to mark my 1st year anniversary of single hood. I've been cramping up my schedule to ensure that I've got no time to drown myself in any emo state. If my feelings are correct and God has been watching me well since then, I should be on my way and ready for a new love. When I mention new love I mean relationship although some might know me as a workaholic trying to climb the corporate ladder a little quicker (KIASU syndrome).

So about how am I going to fall for someone and at the same time get someone to fall for me is the toughest challenge in the whole wide world. I rather work when I think of these challenges. I sort of just took the chicken exit when it comes to relationship. I do admit I felt infatuated towards somebody but I can't tell if she is going to be "the ONE" so I just brainwash myself to forget about her and just move on until a clearer sign or hints are reveal to me. Note: I'm quite "KAYU" and I can be extremely stupid in front of the person that I have feelings for. I gave myself excuse such as shy and nervous for being silly.

Although I know I'm fully capable of living alone but sometimes the absence of the tender loving care can be quite awful. These days I've been widening my social circle not only because I have an agenda but I've been taking my life more seriously to be someone who has value and to do what I was put here on earth to do. I'm very sure relationship can fly or fizzle when couples are separated by miles, sometimes you don't even need to be separated. My advice would be pray hard and make sure you find the one. When you have lived a quarter century, it is about time you find the someone because a process that leads to marriage and the test that both individuals have to go through take tremendous effort and it can be exhausting. You really don't want to waste much time like me previously spending more than 1000days trying to carve out the ideal future plan and see it fall short.

-I was talking to God the other day in my prayers telling him that my search for the "ONE" has just been narrowed down further since I get know you more. Reason being: God has to pick her and pick me for her, I've to love her and she has to love me, the parents factor... looks like my hope for the "ONE" is quite dim isn't it? I'll just have faith and be good, after all not all christian guys are boring, they can be really sexy too!-


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