
I've been browsing through some of the jobs around town lately. I could see some jobs that i would like to consider and boy they always come at the wrong time. Guess chances of heading to Singapore ain't high unless the seat is still vacant.

Heineken makes me a little sleepy therefore i can't read much of the bible today. Only manage to cover a couple of pages. I've intentions to get a small house or maybe a studio apartment by next year. Since I'm alone now a studio apartment would be just fine. Hopefully the rental markets are great so that if i don't stay i could still get a close to double digit return although double digit return is most desirable in the property market.

I use to like karaoke but i enjoy it with closer friends and smaller group preferably any number less than ten. So this was way back when I hanged out with this great people in Neway.

So there we are, they almost became part of my family tree.

How many of us? Count the fingers.


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