
When we were deeply in love, things were so easy and everything seems lovely.
Day and night doesn't matter to us as long as we were with each other.
Giving all i can to you means alot to me, because i know you need them.
Those hugs were forever great because no matter how fat or thin you are that one size would fit no matter what.

We could spend hours smiling at each other and telling each other lame jokes (or is it me telling you all the lame jokes that you shared with your friends). The classic moment was seeing you get hit by my lame jokes and laugh like a Hyena.

Piggy-backing you seems so fun and you would run a distance before you hop on and hold on to the not so strong me and i would run and bring you around till my last breathe even though you're pretty heavy. Lol.

Pure giving is an excellent proof and a pure expression of one’s pure love.
Hope that clears of some misunderstanding that I don't love you.


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