Back on track

So let me sort out what happen lately, first it was Thanksgiving Luncheon on Sat which lasted till around 5pm. I woke up early to get the sandwiches done with my mum, without her many would miss the opportunity to get a taste on those tasty sandwiches. Went early to prepare because emceeing is just ain't easy. Enjoy all the company and new friends, food is great thanks for the contribution from all whom took part. The card making session with the guess is more than fun, appreciate all the compliments i wish i could show you guys my creativity side more the next time. After that church at 5pm then home, went to little tree till midnight, we eat and watch soccer with disappointed results. Sudden urge to catch a show made us head to Loong's place for a show which we all slept halfway through the show.

This must be the effect after going out the whole day on Friday, game, lunch, movie, crashing at David's in the middle of the night to wake him up and drag him out. Sunday was a scheduled day we all had our plans in mind, after waking up at Loong's we played guitar for awhile and time to go according to plan, had a wonderful lunch which CS intro us to and we went shopping in One-U, So what can 4 guys do in One-U, all we had in mind follow the plan, two attached and two single guys, I've just joined the NGFC (No Girl Friend Club) headed by the permanent president David. So each of us bought what we need and we proceed to our plans. Lets leave the plan as plan and i shall update my blog when the plan is revealed.

I hope I've done great support and provide great advices. I've received a random message from a friend accusing me for spreading some negative news of him. Couldn't be bothered because I'm so tired of these people, why bother worrying if you didn't do anything bad and why bother what others say, i just think maybe you should calm down and think why the hell would i care talking about you in the first place unless your like Warren Buffet. I just hate gossiping and spreading rumours. People who knows me know i definitely won't do any of this bull crap.

Monday which is today, I'm on leave spending my time with my family and will be meeting grand mama and papa for dinner. Thank you Lord for taking care of grand mama with the eye surgery she now has better eye sight than me, medical improvements is really some superb achievement man has made but thank you father again for making it a smooth surgery for grand mama.

-change in style for it is time to uplift myself and smile at my past, move on!-


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