A friend

I've got a friend who i would like to intro, he is always nice to me, he walks the talk and is so perfect. He is there when I was down helping me to stand again. I constantly disappoint him because when I'm fine I've never called him but when I'm down I called him everyday. He is patient to me and i really appreciate it. Its his birthday today so i would like to take this opportunity to wish him Happy Birthday. His name is Jesus by the way.

I've said this long ago that my religion is my hope for when i've nothing to hold on at least there is hope. Advices from all individuals each of you which you know whom you are, once again thank you. No pain no gain, I've got the pain and now its time to gain. I must say my future partner will be darn lucky because i still do give in 100% even with a lousy past, not that i don't learn my lesson but I think you deserve it.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15


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