
Everything in this world should be made simple, i enjoy life being simple and worry free. To achieve this state it is simple, love the person you love, avoid lying to gain trust, make time for things you want to do. When you live a sincere life everything seems to be in their simplest form. For example: Don't lie and no one will have doubts in you and you don't have to worry about covering your lies or even feel guilty. Drive carefully and maintain your car and you don't have to worry about car breaking down or getting involve in accident. My life was previously like nuclear science, complicated but usually i keep it to myself but now its getting simple and became minimal. I sing when i need to, i shout wherever i want to.

To be honest it is not a theory it is just an example, different people might have different approach, some might like complicated lifestyle, some enjoy living with all the excessive baggages. Some turn to religious group for help. I believe living a simple righteous life is just good enough. It is just like God had granted me a special ticket to heaven with no terms and condition, the feeling of security is what lacks in most people. I never once give my love ones any doubt on security. I always make them feel secured but it takes two to make things work. Going through this experience is tough but it is probably a good way to make others see me as an example for giving in unconditionally. No where near god but it is so far the best in life albeit the decision isn't the wisest.

Packing my bags and preparing a life with new adventure. Curiousity kills a cat, it could kill a human too. Try new things but within boundaries is what we should probably take notice of.

-Signing off-


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