Rat Race

Executives, Associates, Managers are all merely ranks in the rat race. We all work hard to survive and to break out from this society. Money would be the best way to measure your rankings. Money is not everything but it sure does make things alot easier. Now working hard is probably one way to break through, however not all who work hard breaks through. Only with risk comes return. I do understand that not everyone is capable with building an empire with a snap of fingers but with correct attitude, knowledge and endurance your not that far away from breaking through. Always remember to make your money work for you and not let them sit there. Dare to dream big in order to achieve it. Always understand that money is important but not everything make sure you find a balance in life. Don't let your career get over you and miss out all the interesting stuffs in life. Being rich is good but sometimes being rich tends to make your character change. All of us hate to admit that now but at one point when you have the dough you'll show. I don't blame people who likes to show off because everyone loves attention. It annoys you at first but take it as a motivation for you to work harder and not envy or jealous. People that you choose to be with largely affects the person you're going to be. Often the true character shows when someone is pursuing their agenda, whether they are going after money or people, always watch out for predators which their real character becomes obvious when they make their moves. So slowly plan your ways to break out of the rat race.

-As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17


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