Humble prayer

Dear God, forgive my sins and thank you for holding on to me even when i left you behind. I never know there is a brighter path in life, you brought me friends, true friends. You make me realised the false prophets and the real ones. Father please help me for I am sick, I have faith in you and all i need is you to stretch your healing hands over me. You showed me the way i should live and I'm living it as you taught. I took action and not just listening to your words. My future spouse that you've prepared for me I will take good care of her just like how i always do. I won't let you down. Lead me in this coming year father and make me wiser. Look after my family and friends for they are good people. You will not design a pathway so hard that i can't go through for you know our threshold. I sincerely pray in your name, Amen.

-A summary of my prayer, I've took some time off to say my prayer uninterupted.-


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