Life goes on

There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend. While i was in my YA group last night, I've received a text from a friend regarding their relationship woes. I'm unable to react towards it until I'm done with my YA meeting. I understand what you people are going through, i really do. I'm glad both of you appreciated the caring move i made. Back to my YA; I was probably the only one that reads and speaks mandarin therefore i was asked to make a visit to Julia's dad as he was sick. This would be a great opportunity for me to start contrubuting, sharing and teaching. Like i said i believe doing good starts within yourself. Coming up next would be charity car wash in FGA, I've agreed to contribute by washing cars for the refugees. Moving on my life was one huge step, I've slowly uplifted myself as I've been surrounded by wonderful friends. I might have to pass tonights drinking session as i would be working tomorrow. I'll try to make an effort to see you guys tonight. Some of you might find me being silly as I was still nice to her, infact too nice. I'm being nice for that only reason to make sure she is in safe hands.

-To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.-

The endless sleepless nights has taken its toll on me that i doze off in the LRT today, i couldn't believe that i actually went into deep sleep by just closing my eyes for that extra few seconds. Thanks to a cellphone ring that wake me up a stop before my destinated stop. Thank you Lord.


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