
I didn't manage to do my homework last night which is to again sort my pictures and continue drafting my trip. This is due to me leaving my notebook at office. I'm probably the youngest in my YA group and I made myself known last night because non expected something from me. I gave them each something i got them from SiemReap and I could see the joy inside them, I myself was happy too because I never expected that reaction. I just think it was something unique. I really don't know what to say when I see how much they appreciate it.

-Appreciation is the best gift in return.-

Also we had a guest sharing mission to reach out to the orang asli(OA). After tons of consideration, i think I'm not prepared for it. I've got barrier in communicating and I would still stick to my principles to help people around me first as priority. By going once in a blue moon doesn't leave an impact in their lives.


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