Naked truth

-I enjoy my own world, I enjoy true friends, I enjoy being me.-

Friends come and go, some became best friends and choose to be there for you and vice versa. I know that it is not easy even being a Christian now, due to credibility. Its really a tough challenge being a real positive example. I know practicing love and talking love is a total different thing. I know alot of Christian friends hate to see or will deny the fact that Christians like to talk love and hardly practice. It is also true that Christians actively participate in different activities from cell group to church camp but actually it is just for fun sake. Opportunist can even get something out of it. Its a worrying trend but non can be bothered. Talk to any of your fellow Christian friends and most likely you'll know that they are better than ads you see on TV. Most are friendly and also too friendly. Most people see Christianity as a western thingy, yea infact it is too western until some fellow Christians think that they are one. Knowing alot from my fellow friends (Christian) I must say on average they sin more than common people. For eg: Conning, Sleeping around, Cheating, Cursing, Selfish. I believe all these are really common ones happening around.

At the same time some really good Christians are really doing good. They practice love. Unfortunately what they do was ripped off by other fellow Christians as a credit to all Christians. I believe sometimes being too good spoils the group. My faith still stands but I must advice that: treat each of us as an individual, because not all Christians are like the common ones like how we understand, let them be who they are. Somewhere in the corner unseen, there is a small group of individuals that really deserve to be called Christians. They do and don't speak. After all we are merely human, it is acceptable that we make mistakes, but knowing it is wrong and still doing it is not a mistake. Always keep this in mind, we should always walk the talk.

It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: music is nothing if the audience is deaf.


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