Preah Khan @ Siem Reap

Our first destination on day 2 is Preah Khan, Preah Khan was built in the 11th Century. It also sometimes known as the temple of Sacred Sword. We saw the King's father's tomb and also the Queen's tomb. This place is interesting as the entrance has like a path of never ending doors. Some so small that it is design for you to bow down in respect of the King on your way entering. We saw the hall of dancers, and a two storey building with unknown purpose. We also went off normal visitors path and climb up the building's roof illegally just to take a look from high up. It looks spectacular until someone ask us to come down in a really polite way. We even spotted a really cool lizard with stripes like Adidas on its back. There is this freelance tour guide there that will take you to the Queen's tomb for $1 but unless u really wanna see it if not why pay. We have our dear Dave sponsoring us to see the Queen's tomb, the King is such a player because he had two wives and they were sisters. So we saw two tombs for the Queen, both Queens.

Preah Khan is beautiful but a little left to be explore because not much restoration is done. Pics here.


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