Choc eat Choc

You've probably heard of the phrase dog eat dog. It is now choc eat choc where *choc stands for chocalate. Belgian chocolate giant Ferrero is planning to buy over Cadbury but it is still not confirmed yet as there is another interested buyer which is American chocolate giant Hershey's. Both chocolate giants are planning to increased their market share and product lines by buying over Cadbury. In my own opinion i prefer Ferrero taking over because they have better quality control and management unlike American companies which couldn't do a proper budgeting and their country is sitting on trillions of debts.

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The Americans will just never learn that they are always using future money. They appear to be rich but deep down it is an empty pocket. Remove the top 5% which owns about 95% of everything in the states your left with 95% of the people owning a mere 5% of the resources. The only reason that we are still using USD as major currency is because everyone has faith and confidence in it. I believe this will not last as i could see JPY,CNY and EUR becoming major currencies. Always see the whole picture to understand a situation and not let the crowd lead you to understand a situation because that is simply peer pressure or following the general without your own thinking. Be wise people.


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