A moment

Be calm and always remember that there is always people around who really cares, when your in distress, take a deep breathe if it doesn't help find the person who really cares and you will be comforted. Prayer is a small request and God uses ordinary people to take care of little problems we faced. So when you pray do not feel surprised that someone is there to help you this is because God had sent them to you. When your down or confused, God too will send you someone even before your prayers if your truly living in him because God knows what you need, what you want. If prayers aren't answered think twice of the intention of your request is it a selfish request if it is most probably it will be in God's spam mail.

-Appreciate every little thing that matters, if it matters alot then maybe it is worth alot of attention, appreciation and love. Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.


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