
Clowns are basically entertainers which never fail to put a smile on kids face however some might be frightened by the make up. I remembered when i was young I've watched this show called IT which is about this crazy clown going around killing people. Its really scary watching IT but i couldn't remember any of the scenes now. I remember when i was in NZ i went to this place called corn maze, it is a seasonal thing where they make a maze out of corn field after they harvest the corns and they have all these actors inside such as Freddy, clown in IT and those other scary characters. They would hide inside the maze and scare the hell out of you. Yes and i too got freaked out inside.

I believe each and everyone of us have more than one character we play in our life. Often the people we know will somehow hurt us in certain ways because we didn't expect to see the other side of them. Some people with more than one character can have multiple good characters some not, some might be shy in front of others but with people they know they are very outspoken. There shouldn't be any surprise with this as i believe that we are growing and maturing and we should already know by now. Although i always remind myself to treat everyone well but at the same time i will step back when i come to think of the results, because not everyone appreciates your goodwill. Some eventually bite the hands that feeds them.

-The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy.

Pray for wisdom and knowledge so that you too could see the truth behind that face with a smile just like seeing what is underneath that smiley face of the clown. I respect the clowns as they make others happy despite they might be sad deep down inside, that is called sacrifice. I will always remind myself to be kind and generous and not hold grudges.

-People of little understanding are most apt to be angry when their sense is called into question.


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