Less is more

At times it is good for us to know less because when you know more we'll eventually worry more. This won't help me in my life as I'm minimizing my worries. So that it could be a positive drive. It is always disappointing when you've put in trust and still get lies in reply, this definitely doesn't help in relationships. I'm wondering whether it is worth the friendship and concern given.

-For in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18

God is not pleased with us after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge, now that we know so much it makes us worry as much in life too. If lying gives you pleasure you better think twice why is it so for most things that are pleasurable are temptations. Remember a new life not your old life!

Its a beautiful Saturday morning, woke up and did an hour plus of studies. I've start from the beginning of my McKinsey book and wrote a summary of what i read to help me remember the content. After that one hour plus of studying, its time for bible studies. Did my homework for YA. Said my prayer for whoever is in my concern list for whoever which is not in yet doesn't mean i don't care, its just that I haven't get to know you more yet.

Still planning what is on today, might play the guitar so that i won't be too rusty for it. May Crystal have a great birthday bash today and hopefully she too will take good care.

-There is no point going to church every Sunday when you don't act like a Christian on the other days.

Happy weekend everyone.


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