Mile high

The only way to achieve financial independance is by investing your savings. It could be investing into a business or just pure financial instrument investment. There are dozens of trust fund in the market, to maximised your return do some homework. Money doesn't come easily unless you have brown skin. I'm a risk taker so I'm into shares, high risk high return rules apply. I believe we all would like to live comfortably at least, therefore let your money work for you. Investing money blindly based on news is just not going to work. Time is the second most important thing. Trust no one as it is your own investment. Have your own stand and do not be influenced.

I've my own strategy in investing, i pick a few fundamentally strong shares and i snowball my investment. I believe you must have an attitude of investing not just for making money but also be a part of the company as your will be a shareholder. Love the things you invest in, just like a relationship, you must love it and cherish in order to get something out of it.

-Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.

I'm confortable with my savings and investment now but I've not achieve what i want. I believe greed play apart but I don't want people going all in for money as it is just a tool, there are more that i would go for compared to money for example: A "genuine" relationship, family and friends, time on my own. There is alot of things money can buy including friends and relationships, however how genuine it is will depend on how exhaustible is your money. I still believe cash is king on earth but beyond earth cash is nothing.

-Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.



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