A national problem

Divorce rate up

More people are getting divorced. - last year there were 22,289 divorce cases compared with 21,051 the previous year.

National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) Deputy Director-General (Policy) Dr Anjli Doshi Ghandi told Bernama that Selangor registered the highest number with 3,558 cases followed by Kedah (2,407 cases). The lowest figure was in Labuan (114 cases).

Seeing this news on the papers doesn't surprise me at all, this is probably due to the culture change. Partners now very often cheat on the other half for the pleasure and excitement in return. Trust was broken and therefore with accumulation of accuses it leads to a divorce/break up. Younger generation do not have the moral values to be loyal and maintained a long term relationship. They got into a relationship and they have tons of uncertainties, they are not willing to compromise or tolerate to sustain a relationship. Eventually this causes damage to the innocent spouse. The reason for significant rises is also due to the fact that human influence one another. The party whom was hurt would have change their mindset as they felt being played out by the reality of society.

This is just my opinion. I believe counselling doesn't really help because what really matters is the individual's moral stand. There is now cyber cassanovas, rapist, conmen and all this will lead to more victim in a relationship. A relationship can simply be broken when one break the trust or simply selfish. In the bible, when one married another it is like a bond forever because it is no longer two but one.


-Love, like truth and beauty, is concrete. Love is not fundamentally a sweet feeling; not, at heart, a matter of sentiment, attachment, or being "drawn toward." Love is active, effective, a matter of making reciprocal and mutually beneficial relation with one's friends and enemies.


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