
"Disney cartoons were inspired by drugs" e.g. Alice in wonderland chasing the imaginary rabbit (LSD); Princess Jasmine is flying on a magic carpet (Ecstasy); Happy, one of the seven dwarfs (needless to say, 5chai); The Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland (Pot); can think of more? Don't forget the smoking worm in alice in wonderland (Weed); Peter Pan & friends all living in their own world (Bong); Mickey Mouse speaking in extra high pitch (Helium).

Inspired by a friend of mine, please let me know if you could think of more. This is just so hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Goofy with his hiccup laughs (space cake/ pot brownies)and Donkey (shrek) being able to make his dragon wife 100x his size to conceive??? errr... viagra? LOL, and donald ducks ever annoying voice like a junkie --> overdose of all the above drugs.

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