Daily bits

According to plans our day should start at 10:30am but due to some delays we went out about an hour later and all of us were like zombies, most of us slept at 4-5am a day before. All of us took the advice to sleep in intervals of 4 hours, it proves one thing it doesn't really work. Just how interesting was the day, my words might not be accurate in describing my day but i will try my best to because you just have to be a part to know how fun it is. We started crashing over at CCS's place and all of us got hooked on this movie showing on astro. When he is done with his so call shower which is actually his last game of DotA we head straight to Village Park for the long awaited nasi lemak. Then it is gaming till 6:30pm can u imagine when we try to pay at the counter at the internet cafe it was RM12.50 we all laughed, never in my life I've tried to have ten friends camping in the internet cafe the whole day. Then the sky was dark and its basketball. We were praying that it doesn't rain but eventually light drizzling wet the court a little. We carry on till almost eleven and this time is the 1st time we have 14 players attended basketball and a total 16 of us went for our dinner/supper at WKCCT(Wong Kwok Char Chan Teng). We talk all sorta nonsense and were discussing about my birthday plans. Next Thursday night will be steamboat night at Puchong because we were all invited over to the grand opening of a new steamboat restaurant by Jun's Gf's parents. Which means no pasar malam. After tons of chit-chating we decided its about time we make a move to catch up with some sleep.

Thank you lord for giving me this day filled with events so that i could be occupy and not be disturbed by things in my mind. I enjoyed every single moment and thanks for giving such wonderful friends around me.


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